Grand Hotels and Early Tourism
The History of The White Mountains Cannot Be Separated From The History Of The Grand Hotels That Were Built In The 19th Century
For convenience, we have individual pages for each of the hotels. Please visit each page. More are planned.
When thinking about these hotels and the vintage photos we have assembled, keep in mind that, to a great degree, these hotels were free standing, built in areas that, at first, had no rail service and only rudimentary roads. Consequently, each hotel had to provide themselves for the daily necessities. Each had stables, some had farms and greenhouses for fresh produce. Some raised sheep and cattle. Some produced their own gas for lighting and later, their own electricity. Some had fish ponds to raise fish for the table, at least one had a self-contained print shop to print daily menus, etc for the guests. Each had to provide accommodations for the staff-everyone lived on the premises for the season. Entertainment might be necessary. Several had their own railroad stations. Some hotels had studios for for resident artists such as Benjamin Champney and Frank Shapleigh. Hotel proprietors and their families also lived on the premises, interreacting with guests on a daily basis. At least one had a (real life) pet cemetery for family pets that died on the premises.
Invaluable reference materials abound.
"The Grand Resort Hotels of the White Mountains" by Bryant Tolles, Jr. This isthe eseential single volume.
George McAvoy was the last owner/operator of the Crawford House. His book, "And Then There Was One" includes much information on the Crawford House.
"Among The Clouds" and "The White Mountain Echo" summer newspapers published for visitors to the WHite Mountains, frequently report on changes and additions to the hotels.
Barron Hotel Corporation records are at the New Hampshire Historical Society.